Prayer is the outgoing request of data. Revelation is the incoming transfer of data. Hackers try to intercept data and switch it with false data. The adversary does the same: he gives us false information that may seem like revelations, like a Man-in-the-Middle attack. We can catch this by filtering our thoughts like we filter system logs looking for suspicious activity, but we must have the correct rules in place by having knowledge of the truth gained by our efforts to build our testimonies: reading and studying the scriptures and conference talks to know the “filter rules”, fasting and praying to put up a firewall of righteousness to block the incoming bad thoughts from the MitM attack, and service as member-missionaries (even if we are not called to be missionaries specifically) to others to help them put up their own defenses.
Some of the differences between wireless signals and spiritual signals are the range, source and response.
Wireless range is very limited, 2.4 GHz reaches only to about 300 feet outside with no obstruction, while spiritual signals reach anywhere, past time, space, obstruction (except from sins, and even then sometimes not) and distance.
Source of spiritual signals don’t require any external technology or hardware, they come from within all spirits, Great and not so much.
Response from wireless requests are two way, there must be a request for there to be a reply. That’s not true with the Heavenly Father, he can reach and bless us even when we don’t try to reach him, feel we are worthy or if we haven’t asked for them.